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Archive and irregular surveys

  1. MOD21_01. Changes in household income due to the Covid-19 crisis (%)

    Updated: 4/5/2023

    1. Year: 2021, 2022, (2)
    2. Changes: Total, Changed, Didn’t change, (3)
    3. Indicators: All households, Households under the poverty risk threshold, 1st quintile group, 2nd quintile group, ..., Couple with three and more children (16)

  2. MOD21_02. Distance learning opportunities for children in households during the Covid-19 crisis (%)

    Updated: 4/5/2023

    1. Year: 2021, 2022, (2)
    2. Study process: Total, Had distance learning, Didn’t have distance learning, (3)
    3. Indicators: All households with children, Households under the poverty risk threshold, 1st quintile group, 2nd quintile group, ..., Couple with children (9)

  3. MOD21_03. Opportunities for people aged 16 and more to work remotely during the Covid-19 crisis (%)

    Updated: 4/5/2023

    1. Year: 2021, 2022, (2)
    2. Opportunities: Total, It was possible all the time, It was possible only part of the time, Was not possible, as there was no Internet connection at home, ..., Was not possible due to other reason (7)
    3. Indicators: ALL PERSONS, 16 and more years, Persons under the poverty risk threshold, Males, Females, ..., 18-64 years (21)

  4. MOD21_04. Assessment of the impact of Covid-19 crisis on the mental health of population in the last 12 months (%)

    Updated: 4/5/2023

    1. Year: 2021, 2022, (2)
    2. Assessment: Total, Negative, Positive, Didn’t affect, (4)
    3. Indicators: ALL PERSONS, 16 and more years, Persons under the poverty risk threshold, Males, Females, ..., 18-64 years (21)