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Archive and irregular surveys

  1. EPM100. Number of dwellings surveyed, thsd

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Administrative territory: LATVIA, Riga, Cities under state jurisdiction, except Riga, ..Daugavpils, ..., Rural areas (14)
    2. Year: 2010, 2015, 2020, (3)

  2. EPM110. Dwellings by external walling material (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Kind of walling material: Total, Bricks, stone, Concrete, reinforced concrete, Wood, Combined material, other (5)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2015 (5)

  3. EPM120. Breakdown of dwellings by type of housing and form of ownership (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Indicator: Type of housing, ..detached houses, ..flats, Form of ownership, ..., ..rented (6)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2015 (5)

  4. EPM130. Heated floor space of dwellings (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Type of housing: Total, Residential houses, Appartments, (3)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  5. EPM140. Breakdown of dwellings by heated space (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Type of housing: All dwellings, Residential houses, Appartments, (3)
    2. Heated floor space, m2: Total, Less than 20 m2, 20-49 m2, 50-99 m2, ..., More than 150 m2 (6)
    3. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  6. EPM150. Breakdown of dwellings by number of persons (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Type of housing: All dwellings, Detached houses, Flats, (3)
    2. Number of persons: Total, 1 person, 2 persons, 3 persons, ..., More than 5 persons (7)
    3. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2015 (5)

  7. EPM160. Breakdown of households by number of persons (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Number of persons: Total, 1 person, 2 persons, 3 persons, ..., More than 5 persons (7)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2015 (5)

  8. EPM170. Number of households engaged un various economic activities (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Indicator: Total, No economic activity, Agricultural activity, Other economic activities, ..., Country house, cottage, bungalow (6)
    2. Year: 2001, 2006, 2010, 2015, (4)

  9. EPM180. Heated area and number of dwellings receiving heat from external supplier

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Administrative territory: LATVIA, Riga, State cities, except Riga, ..Daugavpils, ..., Rural areas (14)
    2. Year: 2010, 2015, 2020, (3)
    3. Indicator: Number of dwellings, thsd, Heated area, mln m2, (2)

  10. EPM190. Household expenditure on heat and hot water received from external supplier (mln euro)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Administrative territory: LATVIA, Riga, State cities, except Riga, ..Daugavpils, ..., Rural areas (14)
    2. Year: 2010, 2015, 2020, (3)
    3. Chargeable services: Heat, Hot water, (2)
    4. Indicator: Expenditure according to bill, Actually paid, (2)

  11. EPM210. Number of electrical appliances used in dwellings and average age of appliances

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Electrical appliances: Lighting equipment, Kvēlspuldzes, Halogēnās spuldzes, Kompaktās luminiscences spuldzes, ..., Heat pumps (41)
    2. Indicator: % of the total number of dwellings, Average age of electrical appliances (years), (2)
    3. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  12. EPM220. Number of dwellings using fuelwood equipment and the average age of equipment (% of households using fuelwood, years)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Administratīvā teritorija: Latvija, Pilsētas, Lauku teritorija, (3)
    2. Type of equipment: Central heating boilers, Hot water boilers, Combination boilers - central heating and hot water boilers, Room furnaces, ..., Kitchen stoves (6)
    3. Type of fuelwood: Fire wood, Wood wastes, Wood briquettes, Pelleted wood, (4)
    4. Indicator: % of households using fuelwood, Average age, years, (2)
    5. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  13. EPM230. Dwellings having energy meters (share %)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Type of meter: Heat, Natural gas, Hot water, Electricity, (4)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  14. EPM240. Dwellings that use heat pumps and equipment, that consumes heat pump energy, %

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Type of heatpump: Total, Ground, Water, Air, (4)
    2. Year: 2020, (1)
    3. Proportion of type of heat pump. Equipment that consumes heat energy from heat pump: Proportion of type of heat pump, Electrical floor heating system, Radiators, Water heating appliances, ..., Air cooling (6)

  15. EPM310. Breakdown of households by annual average consumption of electricity (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Annual average consumption of electricity: Total, Less than 400 kWh, 400 - 599 kWh, 600 - 799 kWh, ..., 2000 kWh and more (11)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  16. EPM320. Share of selected energy resources in total energy consumption (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Energy resources: Total, Electricity, Natural gas, Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), ..., Heat (heating and hot water) (14)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2015 (5)

  17. EPM330. Energy consumption in households including consumption in agricultural holdings and for other economic activities (in physical units)

    Updated: 7/19/2022

    1. Energy resources: Electricity (MWh), Natural gas, (thsd m3), Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (t), Fuel oil for heating and hot water (t), ..., Liquefied petroleum gas LPG for car use (thsd l) (16)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  18. EPM340. Energy consumption in households including consumption in agricultural holdings and for other economic activities (TJ)

    Updated: 7/19/2022

    1. Indicator: Energy resources, Electricity, Natural gas, Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), ..., Heat (heating and hot water) (14)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  19. EPM350. Types of energy resource consumption (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Type of consumption: Total, Heat (heating and hot water), Cooking, Other needs, (4)
    2. Year: 1996, 2006, 2010, 2015, 2020 (5)

  20. EPM360. Household expenditure on energy resources consumed

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Energy resource: Total, Electricity, Natural gas, Liquefied petroleum gas LPG, ..., Oil products for other purposes (excluding for transport) (14)
    2. Indicator: Total expenditure (thsd euro), Per 1 square meter of floor space (euro/m2), Per household member per year (euro/per capita), (3)
    3. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  21. EPM370. Dwellings heated by external heat supplier by method how space heating charge is calculated (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Method how charge is calculated: Total, Heat meters, Allocators, Heated floor space, ..., Other methods (6)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  22. EPM380. Dwellings having external hot water supplier by method how hot water heating charge is calculated (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Method how charge is calculated: Total, Hot water meaters, Number of residents, Hot water charge included in heating charge, Other methods (5)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  23. EPM390. Annual consumption of hot water per person in dwellings having hot water meters (m3)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Number of persons in household: On average, 1 person, 2 persons, 3 persons, ..., 6 persons and more (7)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  24. EPM391. Type of energy resources used for cooking (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Energy resources: Total, Electricity, Natural gas, Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), ..., Other solid fuel (10)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  25. EPM392. Consumption of fuelwood by its type (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Type of fuelwood: Total, Firewood, Wood waste, Wood briquettes, Pelleted wood (5)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  26. EPM393. Ways of obtaining fuelwood (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Type of fuelwood: Firewood, Wood waste, Wood briquettes, Pelleted wood, (4)
    2. Ways of obtaining fuelwood: Total, Purchased, Received free of charge, Self-prepared, ..., Partially self-prepared, partially purchased (6)
    3. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  27. EPM394. Average costs of energy resources

    Updated: 8/16/2022

    1. Energy resource: Petrol (euro/l), Diesel (euro/l), Liquefied petroleum gas LPG (euro/l), Electricity (euro/kWh), ..., Pelleted wood (euro/t) (9)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  28. EPM395. Distribution of households by annual average electricity consumption by type of dwelling, (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Administrative territory: LATVIA, Riga region, Pierīga region, Vidzeme region, ..., Latgale region (7)
    2. Average electricity consumption: Total, Less than 500 kWh, 500 - 999 kWh, 1000 - 1499 kWh, ..., 7000 kWh and more (12)
    3. Year: 2020, (1)
    4. Type of dwelling: Detached houses, Flats, (2)

  29. EPM396. Average energy resource consumption (GJ/person, GJ/m2, kWh/person, kWh/m2)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Energy resource: Electricity, Natural gas, Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Fuel oil for heating and hot water, ..., Heat (heating and hot water) (12)
    2. Year: 2020, (1)
    3. Indicators: GJ per person, GJ per heated area, GJ/m2, kWh per person, kWh per heated area, kWh/m2, (4)

  30. EPM397. Expenditure on heat per heated area in dwellings, which receives heat from an external heat supplier (%, euro/m2)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Dwellings: Insulated dwellings, Dwellings ir which one or multiple energy efficiency improvement measures have been adopted, Dwellings built before 2000 and not insulated, Dwellings built after year 2000, (4)
    2. Year: 2020, (1)
    3. Indicators: Share of total number of dwellings, %, Expenditure, euro/m2, (2)

  31. EPM410. Kilometres driven per year (mln. km)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Type of fuel: Total, Petrol, Diesel oil, Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), (4)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2015 (5)

  32. EPM420. Average kilometres driven by one car per year (km)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Engine capacity (cm3): Less than 1001 cm3, 1001-1500 cm3, 1500-2000 cm3, More than 2000 cm3, On average (5)
    2. Type of fuel: Petrol, Diesel oil, Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Total, (4)
    3. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2015 (5)

  33. EPM430. Total fuel consumption (thousand l)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Type of fuel: Total, Petrol, Diesel oil, Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), (4)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, ..., 2020 (6)

  34. EPM440. Total annual expenses on motor fuels (thsd euro)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Engine capacity (cm3): Less than 1001 cm3, 1001-1500 cm3, 1500-2000 cm3, More than 2000 cm3, On average (5)
    2. Type of fuel: Total, Petrol, Diesel oil, Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), (4)
    3. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2015 (5)

  35. EPM450. Average fuel consumption per 100 km (l)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Engine capacity (cm3): Less than 1001 cm3, 1001-1500 cm3, 1500-2000 cm3, More than 2000 cm3, On average (5)
    2. Type of fuel: Total, Petrol, Diesel oil, Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), (4)
    3. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2015 (5)

  36. EPM460. Households by number of cars (%)

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Number of cars: Total, No car, One car, Two cars, Three and more cars (5)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2015 (5)

  37. EPM470. Number of cars in households

    Updated: 3/14/2022

    1. Number of cars: Average in households using cars, Average in all households, Private cars used for business purposes, (3)
    2. Year: 1996, 2001, 2008, 2010, 2015 (5)