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Archive and irregular surveys

  1. VDA110. Persons who in their working life have experienced sexual harassment at work by sex, age and time of last episode, % of population in the respective age group (2021)

    Updated: 12/16/2022

    1. Age group: 18-29, 30-44, 45-64, 65-74, 18-74 (5)
    2. Time of last episode: During last 12 months, During last 5 years, During lifetime, (3)
    3. Sex: Males, Females, (2)

  2. VDA120. Persons who in their working life have experienced sexual harassment at work by sex, work position and sex of perpetrator, % of population aged 18-74 (2021)

    Updated: 12/16/2022

    1. Work position of perpetrator: Co-worker, Boss, Client, Any person, (4)
    2. Sex of perpetrator: Male perpetrators, Female perpetrators, (2)
    3. Sex: Males, Females, (2)

  3. VDA170. Persons who reported sexual harassment at work by sex and person/institution informed, % of population experiencing sexual harassment at work during last 12 months (2021)

    Updated: 8/26/2022

    1. Person or institution informed: Total, Someone at work, Friend, family member or someone else, Official body or health or support service, Police (5)
    2. Sex: Males, Females, (2)