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Archive and irregular surveys

  1. VDA150. Perception of prevalence of intimate partner violence by sex and violence experience, % (2021)

    Updated: 8/26/2022

    1. Violence prevalence: Very common, Fairly common, Not very common, Not common at all, (4)
    2. Sex: Males, Females, (2)
    3. Intimate partner violence experience: Have experienced, Have not experienced, (2)
    4. Perception of violence prevalence by sex: Among males, Among females, (2)

  2. VDA190. Awareness of support for violence victims by sex, violence experience and support service, % (2021)

    Updated: 8/26/2022

    1. Awareness: Total, Aware, Not aware, (3)
    2. Support for violence victims: Support services, Free legal aid, (2)
    3. Sex: Males, Females, (2)
    4. Violence experience: Have experienced, Have not experienced, (2)

  3. VDA160. Perception of prevalence of sexual harassment at work by sex and violence experience, % (2021)

    Updated: 8/26/2022

    1. Violence prevalence: Fairly common or very common, Not very common, Not common at all, (3)
    2. Sex: Males, Females, (2)
    3. Sexual harassment at work experience: Have experienced, Have not experienced, (2)

  4. VDA180. Persons who reported physical or sexual violence episode by sex, perpetrator and person/institution informed, % (2021)

    Updated: 8/26/2022

    1. Person/institution informed: Total, Close person, Health services (doctor, nurse) or social service, helpline or another victim support, Health services (doctor, nurse) or social service, ..., Police (6)
    2. Sex: Males, Females, (2)
    3. Perpetrator: Current partner or last violent former partner, Non-partner, (2)