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Archive and irregular surveys

  1. VEA010. Access to health care services during the last 12 months (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2014, 2019, (2)
    2. Delay in getting health care: There has been unmet need for health care in the past 12 months due to long waiting list(s), There has been unmet need for health care in the past 12 months due to distance or transportation problems, There has been unmet need for health care (except for dental care) in the past 12 months because person could not afford it, There has been unmet need for dental care in the past 12 months because person could not afford it, ..., There has been unmet need for mental health care (by a psychologist or a psychiatrist for example) in the past 12 months because person could not afford it (6)
    3. Assessment: Total, yes, no, no need for health care, (4)
    4. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., Latgale region (35)

  2. VEA020. Use of medicines prescribed/ not prescribed by a doctor (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2014, 2019, (2)
    2. Use of medicines: Use of medicines not prescribed by a doctor, Use of medicines prescribed by a doctor, (2)
    3. Assessment: Total, yes, no, (3)
    4. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., Latgale region (35)

  3. VEA030. Number of consultations with general practitioner (family doctor) or medical/ surgical specialist during the past four weeks (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2014, 2019, (2)
    2. Consultation: Consulted general practitioner (family doctor) for personal treatment, Consulted medical/ surgical specialist for personal treatment, (2)
    3. Number: Total, never during the last four weeks, once, twice or more, (4)
    4. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., Latgale region (35)

  4. VEA040. Consultation with with general practitioner (family doctor) or medical/ surgical specialist during the last year (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2014, 2019, (2)
    2. Consultation: Last time consulted general practitioner (family doctor) for personal treatment, Last time consulted medical/ surgical specialist for personal treatment, (2)
    3. Last time: Total, less than 12 months ago, 12 months ago or longer, never, (4)
    4. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., Latgale region (35)

  5. VEA050. Smoking habits (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2003, 2008, 2014, 2019, (4)
    2. Frequency: Total, yes, daily, yes, occasionally, not at all, (4)
    3. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., No formal education, less than primary or primary education (ISCED levels 0 and 1) (21)

  6. VEA051. Frequency of exposure to tobacco smoke indoors (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2019, (1)
    2. Frequency of exposure to tobacco smoke indoors: Total, every day, 1 hour or more a day, every day, less than 1 hour per day, at least once a week (but not every day), ..., never or almost never (6)
    3. Indicator: TOTAL, Males, Females, aged 15-24, ..., Latgale region (28)

  7. VEA060. Alcohol consumption in the past 12 months (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2003, 2008, 2014, 2019, (4)
    2. Use characteristics: Total, yes, I did consume, no, I did not consume, (3)
    3. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., No formal education, less than primary or primary education (ISCED levels 0 and 1) (21)

  8. VEA061. Frequency of risky single-occasion drinking during the past 12 months (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2019, (1)
    2. Frequency of heavy episodic drinking: Total, at least once a week, monthly (but not weekly), less than monthly, not in the last 12 months or never (5)
    3. Indicator: TOTAL, Males, Females, aged 15-24, ..., Latgale region (28)

  9. VEA070. Body Mass Index (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2003, 2008, 2014, 2019, (4)
    2. BMI category: Total, underweight, normal weight, overweight, obese (5)
    3. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., Latgale region (35)

  10. VEA080. Consumption of fruit and vegetables (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2014, 2019, (2)
    2. Consumption: Fruit, Vegetables or salad, (2)
    3. Frequency: Total, once or more a day, 4-6 times a week, 1-3 times a week, less than once a week or never (5)
    4. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., Latgale region (35)

  11. VEA090. Frequency of drinking pure fruit or vegetable juice or sugarsweetened soft drinks (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2019, (1)
    2. Drinks: Pure fruit or vegetable juice, Sugarsweetened soft drinks, (2)
    3. Frequency: Total, once or more a day, 4-6 times a week, 1-3 times a week, less than once a week or never (5)
    4. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., Latgale region (35)

  12. VEA100. Absence from work due to personal health problems in the past 12 months (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2014, 2019, (2)
    2. Assessment: Total, Yes, No, (3)
    3. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., Latgale region (32)

  13. VEA101. Average duration of absence from work due to personal health problems (days)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2014, 2019, (2)
    2. Indicator: TOTAL, Males, Females, aged 15-24, ..., Latgale region (25)

  14. VEA110. Self-perceived general oral health (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2019, (1)
    2. Self-perceived general oral health: Total, very good, good, fair (neither good or bad), ..., very bad (6)
    3. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., Latgale region (35)

  15. VEA102. Absence from work due to personal health problems (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Gads: 2014, 2019, (2)
    2. Duration of absence from work (days): Total, 1-5 days, 6-10 days, 11-30 days, 31 and more days (5)
    3. Indicator: TOTAL, Males, Females, aged 15-24, ..., No formal education, less than primary or primary education (ISCED levels 0 and 1) (14)

  16. VEA120. Difficulty biting and chewing on hard foods (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Gads: 2019, (1)
    2. Difficulty biting and chewing on hard foods: Total, no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty or cannot do at all / unable to do, (4)
    3. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 55-64, males - aged 65-74, ..., females - aged 75+ (9)

  17. VEA130. Everyday personal care activities (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2014, 2019, (2)
    2. Type of the personal care: Difficulty in feeding yourself, Difficulty in getting in and out of a bed or chair, Difficulty in dressing and undressing, Difficulty in using toilets, Difficulty in bathing or showering (5)
    3. Assessment: Total, no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty or cannot do at all / unable to do, (4)
    4. Indicator: PAVISAM, Vīrieši - pavisam, vīrieši - 65-74 gadi, vīrieši - 75+ gadi, ..., sievietes - 75+ gadi (7)

  18. VEA140. Difficulties in performing daily household activities (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2019, (1)
    2. Ikdienas aktivitātes: Difficulty in preparing meals (Household activities), Difficulty in using the telephone, Difficulty to do shopping, Difficulty in managing medication, ..., Difficulty in taking care of finances and everyday administrative tasks (7)
    3. Assessment: Total, no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty or cannot do at all / unable to do, not applicable (never tried it or do not need to do it) (5)
    4. Indicator: TOTAL, Males, Females, aged 55-64, ..., aged 75+ (6)

  19. VEA150. Assessment of physical and sensory functions in daily situations (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2014, 2019, (2)
    2. Characteristics: Difficulty in seeing, even when wearing glasses or contact lenses, Difficulty in hearing what is said in a conversation with one other person in a quiet room even when using a hearing aid, Difficulty in hearing what is said in a conversation with one other person in a noisier room even when using a hearing aid, Difficulty in walking half a km on level ground without the use of any aid, ..., Difficulty in remembering or concentrating (6)
    3. Assessment: Total, no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty or cannot do at all / unable to do, (4)
    4. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-44, males - aged 45-64, ..., females - aged 65+ (9)

  20. VEA160. Physical pain (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2014, 2019, (2)
    2. Intensity of bodily pain during the past 4 week: Total, none, very mild or mild, moderate, severe or very severe (5)
    3. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., Latgale region (35)

  21. VEA170. Receiving help from neighbours when needed (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2019, (1)
    2. How easy is it to get help from neighbours: Total, very easy, easy, possible, ..., very difficult (6)
    3. Indicator: TOTAL, Males, Females, aged 15-24, ..., Latgale region (28)

  22. VEA180. Provision of informal care or assistance

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2019, (1)
    2. Assessment: Total, yes, no, (3)
    3. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., Latgale region (35)

  23. VEA190. Use of inpatient care (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2014, 2019, (2)
    2. Assessment: Total, yes, no, (3)
    3. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., Latgale region (35)

  24. VEA200. Last time of blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood sugar measurement by a health professional (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2014, 2019, (2)
    2. Measurement: Blood pressure measurement, Blood cholesterol measurement, Blood sugar measurement, (3)
    3. Last time: Total, within the past 12 months, 1 to less than 3 years, 3 to less than 5 years, ..., never (6)
    4. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., Latgale region (35)

  25. VEA210. Physical effort of working tasks (both paid and unpaid work activities included) (%)

    Updated: 3/23/2023

    1. Year: 2014, 2019, (2)
    2. Physical effort: Total, mostly sitting or standing, mostly walking or tasks of moderate physical effort, mostly heavy labour or physically demanding work, not performing any working tasks (5)
    3. Indicator: TOTAL, Males - total, males - aged 15-24, males - aged 25-34, ..., Latgale region (35)