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Archive and irregular surveys

  1. LSK01-III60. Number of rabbits, bee colonies, fur-bearing and wild captive animals

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Sex groups: Number of rabbits, .. rabbit mothers, Bee colonies, Fur-bearing animals, Wild captive animals (5)
    2. Sectors: All farms, Public sector, Private sector, .. private farms, (4)

  2. LSK01-III61. Number of rabbits, bee colonies, fur-bearing animals and wild animals

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of rabbits, colonies, fur-bearing animals and wild captive animals: Number of rabbits, .. rabbit mothers, Bee colonies, Fur-bearing animals, Wild captive animals (5)

  3. LSK01-III01. Number of livestock and poultry

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. total number, thsd, average per 100 ha: TOTAL NUMBER, THSDS, ON AVERAGE PER FARM, 100 HA, (3)
    2. Kind of Livestock and Poultry: Cattle, .. dairy cows, Pigs, Sheep, ..., Wild captive animals (11)
    3. Sectors: All farms, Public sector, Private sector, .. private farms, (4)

  4. LSK01-III02. Number of farms with livestock and poultry

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. number of farms, % of the total: NUMBER OF FARMS, % OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF FARMS, (2)
    2. Kind of livestock and poultry: ALL FARMS, Farms with livestock and poultry, .. with cattle, .. with dairy cows, ..., .. with furbearing animals (12)
    3. Sectors: All farms, Public sector, Private sector, .. private farms, (4)

  5. LSK01-III03. Number of farms with one kind of livestock and poultry

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. number of farms, % of the total number: NUMBER OF FARMS, % OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF FARMS, (2)
    2. distribution of livestock and poultry: ALL FARMS, Farms with livestock and poultry, .. only with cattle, .. only with dairy cows, ..., .. only with furbearing animals (12)
    3. Sectors: All farms, Public sector, Private sector, .. private farms, (4)

  6. LSK01-III04. Number of farms with and without livestock by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Kind of farms: Farms with livestock, Farms without livestock, (2)
    3. Indicator: Number of farms, % of total, (2)

  7. LSK01-III05. Number of livestock in farms of different size

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Total area of agricultural land, ha: TOTAL, <1, 1.0-1.9, 2.0-4.9, ..., no land (13)
    2. Livestock: Cattle, Dairy cows, Pigs, Horses, ..., Poultry (6)
    3. Number, % of the total: NUMBER, % OF TOTAL, (2)

  8. LSK01-III06. Number of livestock per farm

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Total area of agricultural land, ha: TOTAL, < 1, 1.0-1.9, 2.0-4.9, ..., no land (13)
    2. Livestock on average per farm: cattle, on average per farm, .. dairy cows, Pigs, Horses, ..., Poultry (6)

  9. LSK01-III07. Number of cattle

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Age, Sex, All farms: TOTAL, Calves under 1 year, .. heifers and bulls for slaughter, .. heifers for breeding, ..., .. suckling cows (21)
    2. Sectors: All farms, Public sector, Private sector, .. private farms, (4)

  10. LSK01-III08. Structure of cattle herd

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Age, Sex, All farms: TOTAL, Calves under 1 year, .. heifers and bulls for slaughter, .. heifers for breeding, ..., .. suckling cows (21)
    2. Sectors: All farms, Public sector, Private sector, .. private farms, (4)

  11. LSK01-III09. Number of cattle by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of cattle: Total, .. calves under 1 year, .. young cattle aged 1-2 years, .. cattle over 2 years, ..., .. beef calves of the total number of cattle (6)

  12. LSK01-III10. Structure of cattle herd by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Structure of cattle herd: Total, .. calves under 1 year, .. young cattle aged 1-2 years, .. cattle over 2 years, .. beef calves of the total number of cattle (5)

  13. LSK01-III11. Number of calves aged under 1 year by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of calves: Total, .. heifers and bulls for slaughter, .... beef calves, .. heifers for breeding, .. bulls for breeding (5)

  14. LSK01-III12. Stucture of calve herd aged under 1 year by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Structure of calve herd: Total, .. heifers and bulls for slaughter, .... beef calves, .. heifers for breeding, .. bulls for breeding (5)

  15. LSK01-III13. Number of young cattle aged 1-2 years by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of young cattle: Total, .. heifers and bulls for slaughter, .... heifers for slaughter, .. heifers for breeding, ..., .. beef calves of the total number of heifers and bulls for slaughter (6)

  16. LSK01-III14. Stucture of young cattle herd aged 1-2 years by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Structure of young cattle herd: Total, .. heifers and bulls for slaughter, .... heifers for slaughter, .. heifers for breeding, ..., .. beef calves of the total number of heifers and bulls for slaughter (6)

  17. LSK01-III15. Cattle aged over 2 years by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of cattle: Total, .. heifers and bulls for slaughter, .... heifers for slaughter, .. heifers for breeding, ..., .. cows (6)

  18. LSK01-III16. Structure of cattle herd aged over 2 years by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Structure of cattle herd: Total, .. heifers and bulls for slaughter, .... heifers for slaughter, .. heifers for breeding, ..., .. cows (6)

  19. LSK01-III17. Number of cows by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of cows: Total, .. dairy cows, .... first-calf cows, .. suckling cows, .. of which beef cows (5)

  20. LSK01-III18. Structure of cow herd by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of cow herd: Total, .. dairy cows, .... first-calf cows, .. suckling cows, .. of which beef cows (5)

  21. LSK01-III19. Number of beef cattles by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of beef cattle: Total, .. calves under 1 year, .. young cattle aged 1-2 years, .. cattle over 2 years, .. beef suckling cows (5)

  22. LSK01-III20. Sructure of beef cattles herd by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Structure of beef cattle herd: Total, .. calves under 1 year, .. young cattle aged 1-2 years, .. cattle over 2 years, .. beef suckling cows (5)

  23. LSK01-III21. Grouping of farms by number of cattle

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Number of cattle: Total, 1, 2, 3-5, ..., >=500 (13)
    2. Indicator: Farms with cattle, Farms with cattle, % of total, Number of cattle, Number of cattle, % of total, ..., Number of dairy cows, % of total (6)

  24. LSK01-III22. Grouping of farms by number of farms with cattle and districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of cattle in farms: Farms with cattle, 1, 2, 3-5, ..., >= 50 (9)

  25. LSK01-III23. Grouping of farms by number of dairy cows

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Number of dairy cows: Total, 1, 2, 3-5, ..., >=300 (12)
    2. Indicator: Farms with dairy cows, Farms with dairy cows, % of total, Number of dairy cows, Number of dairy cows, % of total, (4)

  26. LSK01-III24. Grouping of farms by number of farms with dairy cows and districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of dairy cows in farms: Farms with dairy cows, 1, 2, 3-5, ..., >= 50 (9)

  27. LSK01-III25. Grouping of farms by number of suckling cows

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Number of suckling cows: Total, 1-2, 3-5, 6-9, ..., >= 50 (8)
    2. Indicator: Farms with suckling cows, Farms with suckling cows, % of total, Number of suckling cows, Number of suckling cows, % of total, (4)

  28. LSK01-III26. Number of pigs

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Age, Sex group, All farms: TOTAL, Piglets under 2 months, Piglets aged 2 to 4 months, Fattening pigs, ..., ..breeding boars (13)
    2. Sectors: All farms, Public sector, Private sector, .. private farms, (4)

  29. LSK01-III27. Structure of pig herd

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Age, Sex group, All farms: TOTAL, .. piglets under 2 months, Piglets aged 2 to 4 months, Fattening pigs, ..., Breeding boars (13)
    2. Sectors: All farms, Public sector, Private sector, .. private farms, (4)

  30. LSK01-III28. Number of pigs by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of pigs by age and sex group: Total, .. piglets under 2 months, .. piglets aged 2 to 4 months, .. fattening pigs, .. breeding pigs 4 months and older (5)

  31. LSK01-III29. Structure of pig herd by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Structure of pig herd: .. piglets under 2 months, .. piglets aged 2 to 4 months, .. fattening pigs, .. breeding pigs 4 months and older, (4)

  32. LSK01-III30. Number of fattening pigs by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of fattening pigs by age group: Total, .. aged 4 to 6 months, .. aged 6 to 8 months, .. 8 months and older, (4)

  33. LSK01-III31. Structure of fattening pig herd by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Structure of fattening pig herd: Total, .. aged 4 to 6 months, .. aged 6 to 8 months, .. 8 months and older, (4)

  34. LSK01-III32. Number of breeding pigs aged 4 months and older by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of breeding pigs: Total, .. inseminated sows, .... for the first time, .. not inseminated sows, ..., .. breeding boars (6)

  35. LSK01-III33. Structure of breeding pig herd aged 4 months and older by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. % of total number of pigs: Total, .. inseminated sows, .... for the first time, .. not inseminated sows, ..., .. breeding boars (6)

  36. LSK01-III34. Grouping of farms by number of pigs

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Number of pigs: Total, 1, 2, 3-5, ..., >= 5000 (14)
    2. Indicator: Farms with pigs, Farms with pigs, % of total, Number of pigs, Number of pigs, % of total, (4)

  37. LSK01-III35. Grouping of farms by number of pigs and districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. farm, number: Farms with pigs, 1, 2, 3-5, ..., >= 1000 (10)

  38. LSK01-III36. Grouping of farms by number of breeding pigs

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Number of breeding pigs: Total, 1, 2, 3-4, ..., >=500 (11)
    2. Indicator: Farms with breeding pigs, Farms with breeding pigs, % of total, Number of breeding pigs, Number of breeding pigs, % of total, (4)

  39. LSK01-III37. Grouping of farms by number of farms with breeding pigs and districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of breeding pigs: Farms with breeding pigs, 1, 2, 3-4, ..., >= 100 (9)

  40. LSK01-III38. Grouping of farms by number of sows

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Number of sows: Total, 1, 2, 3-4, ..., >=500 (11)
    2. Indicator: Farms with sows, Farms with sows, % of total, Number of sows, Number of sows, % of total, (4)

  41. LSK01-III39. Grouping of farms by number of farms with sows and districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of sows: Farms with sows, 1, 2, 3-4, ..., >= 100 (9)

  42. LSK01-III40. Number of sheep and goats

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Sheep and Goats: TOTAL NUMBER OF SHEEP, ..of which sheep mothers, ..% of the total number of sheep, ..rams, ..., ..he-goats (8)
    2. Sectors: All farms, Public sector, Private sector, .. private farms, (4)

  43. LSK01-III41. Number of sheep by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of sheep: Total, .. sheep mothers, number, .. sheep mothers, % of total number of sheep, ..rams, (4)

  44. LSK01-III42. Number of goats by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of goats: Total, .. goat mothers, number, .. goat mothers, % of the total number of goats, ..he-goats, (4)

  45. LSK01-III43. Grouping of farms by number of sheep

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Number of sheep: Total, 1-2, 3-9, 10-19, ..., >= 100 (7)
    2. Indicator: Farms with sheep, Farms with sheep, % of total, Number of sheep, Number of sheep, % of total, (4)

  46. LSK01-III44. Grouping of farms by number of farms with sheep and districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of sheep: Farms with sheep, 1-2, 3-9, 10-19, ..., >= 100 (7)

  47. LSK01-III45. Grouping of farms by number of goats

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Number of goats: Total, 1-2, 3-9, 10-19, ..., >=100 (7)
    2. Indicator: Farms with goats, Farms with goats, % of total, Number of goats, Number of goats, % of total, (4)

  48. LSK01-III46. Grouping of farms by number of farms with goats and districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of goats: Farms with goats, 1-2, 3-9, 10-19, ..., >= 100 (7)

  49. LSK01-III47. Number of horses

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Age and Sex group: TOTAL, .. young horses under 3 years, Mares aged 3 years and older, .. sports mares, ..., .. sports stallions (6)
    2. Sectors: All farms, Public sector, Private sector, .. private farms, (4)

  50. LSK01-III48. Number of horses by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of horses: Total, .. young horses under 3 years, mares aged 3 years and older, .. sports mares, ..., .. sports stallions (6)

  51. LSK01-III49. Structure of horse herd by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Structure of horse herd: .. young horses under 3 years, mares aged 3 years and older, .. sports mares, stallions aged 3 years and older, .. sports stallions (5)

  52. LSK01-III50. Grouping of farms by number of horses

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Number of horses: Total, 1, 2, 3, ..., >=20 (8)
    2. Indicator: Farms with horses, Farms with horses, % of total, Number of horses, Number of horses, % of total, (4)

  53. LSK01-III51. Grouping of farms by number of horses and districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of horses: Farms with horses, 1, 2, 3, ..., >= 20 (8)

  54. LSK01-III52. Number of poultry

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Total, % of total: NUMBER, % OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF POULTRY, (2)
    2. Division of poltry: TOTAL, .. hens and roosters, .... laying hens, Broilers, ..., Other poultry (9)
    3. Sectors: All farms, Public sector, Private sector, .. private farms, (4)

  55. LSK01-III53. Number of poultry by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of poultry: Total, .. hens, .... laying hens, ..broilers, ..., .. other poultry (9)

  56. LSK01-III54. Structure of poultry herd by districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Structure of poultry herd: Hens, .. laying hens, Broilers, .. broiler hens, ..., Other poultry (8)

  57. LSK01-III55. Grouping of farms by number of poultry

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Number of poultry: Total, < 5, 6-9, 10-19, ..., >=50000 (10)
    2. Indicator: Farms with poultry, Farms with poultry, % of total, Number of poultry, Number of poultry, % of total, (4)

  58. LSK01-III56. Grouping of farms by number of poultry and districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of poultry: Farms with poultry, < 5, 6-9, 10-19, ..., >= 50000 (10)

  59. LSK01-III57. Grouping of farms by number of broilers

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Number of broilers: TOTAL, < 5, 6-9, 10-19, ..., >= 50000 (9)
    2. farms, broilers: Farms with broilers, Number of broilers, (2)
    3. Number, % of total: Number, % of total, (2)

  60. LSK01-III58. Grouping of farms by number of laying hens

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Number of laying hens: TOTAL, < 5, 6-9, 10-19, ..., >= 10000 (10)
    2. farms, laying hens: Farms with laying hens, Number of laying hens, (2)
    3. Number, % of total: Number, % of total, (2)

  61. LSK01-III59. Grouping of farms by number of laying hens and districts

    Updated: 3/31/2021

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukle, Aluksne, Balvi, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of laying hens: Farms with laying hens, < 5, 6-9, 10-19, ..., >= 10000 (10)

  62. LSK01-III62. Grouping of farms by number of rabbits

    Updated: 8/13/2020

    1. Number of rabbits: TOTAL, <5, 6-9, 10-19, ..., >= 100 (7)
    2. farms, rabbits: Farms with rabbits, Number of rabbits, (2)
    3. Number, %: Number, % of total, (2)

  63. LSK01-III63. Grouping of farms by number of rabbits and districts

    Updated: 8/13/2020

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukles, Alūksnes, Balvu, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of rabbits: Farms with rabbits, < 5, 6-9, 10-19, ..., >= 100 (7)

  64. LSK01-III64. Grouping of farms by number of bee colonies

    Updated: 8/13/2020

    1. Number of bee colonies: TOTAL, 1, 2-3, 4-5, ..., >= 100 (9)
    2. farms, bee colonies: Farms with bee colonies, Number of bee colonies, (2)
    3. Number, % of total: Number, % of total, (2)

  65. LSK01-III65. Grouping of farms by number of bee colonies and districts

    Updated: 8/13/2020

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukles, Alūksnes, Balvu, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Number of bee colonies: Farms with bee colonies, 1, 2-3, 4-5, ..., >= 100 (9)

  66. LSK01-III66. Number of livestock and poultry per 100 ha land by districts

    Updated: 8/13/2020

    1. Districts: TOTAL, Aizkraukles, Alūksnes, Balvu, ..., Ventspils (27)
    2. Livestock and poultry per 100 ha land: Cattle per 100 ha agricultural land, .. dairy cows, Pigs per 100 ha arable cropland, Poultry per 100 ha cereal cropland, (4)

  67. LSK01-III67. Number of livestock and poultry by districts, counties and pagasts

    Updated: 8/13/2020

    1. Districts, Counties and Pagasts: TOTAL, AIZKRAUKLES, .Jaunjelgavas l.t./r.t., ..Aiviekstes pagasts, ..., ..Zlēku pagasts (546)
    2. Livestock and poultry: Cattle, .. dairy cows, Pigs, Sheep, ..., Bee colonies (8)