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Archive and irregular surveys

  1. VAG010. Basic indicators of health care services at the end of the year

    Updated: 8/2/2024

    1. Year: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, ..., 2022 (33)
    2. Indicator: Physicians of all specialities, Residents and physicians in service training, Specialists with higher medical professional education, Nurses with higher education, ..., other outpatient health institutions (15)

  2. VAG150. Physicians by speciality at the end of the year

    Updated: 8/2/2024

    1. Number: TOTAL, Per 10,000 population, (2)
    2. Speciality: PHYSICIANS - TOTAL, Internists (therapeutists), General surgeons, Gynecologists, ..., General practitioners (17)
    3. Year: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, ..., 2022 (33)

  3. VAG160. Medical personnel with secondary medical education at the end of the year (1990-2018)

    Updated: 1/10/2024

    1. Number: TOTAL, Per 10,000 population, (2)
    2. Speciality: TOTAL, Physician assistants, Midwives, Nurses, ..., Radiography and radiology nurses (6)
    3. Year: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, ..., 2018 (29)

  4. VAG170. Hospital beds by speciality, annual average

    Updated: 8/2/2024

    1. Speciality: BEDS, TOTAL, Internal medicine, Surgery, Oncology, ..., other (17)
    2. Year: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, ..., 2022 (33)
    3. Number: TOTAL, Per 10,000 population, (2)