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People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by age and sex (new metodology) (per cent) – Sex, Age group and Time period

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Metadata Due to the EU-SILC 2021 revision, the calculation of the indicator has been changed (starting with 2020 income data).
The old indicator (until 2020) consisted of 3 components: poverty risk index, deep material deprivation and very low work intensity. The new indicator consists of 3 components: poverty risk index (as before), deep material and social deprivation (new indicator) and very low work intensity (changed criterion).
Old methodology:
At risk of poverty: the share of the population whose equivalised disposable income is less than 60 % of median of the national equivalised disposable income (i.e. below the at-risk-of-poverty line).
Deep material deprivation: describes the persons who have at least 4 of the following 9 characteristics of material deprivation (lack of financial opportunities): 1) cover utilities, rent or repay a loan; 2) financially afford to keep their home warm; 3) cover sudden, unexpected expenses out of their own resources; 4) eat meat, poultry or fish every second day; 5) go on one week’s holiday away from home every year; 6) use a car for personal needs; 7) use a washing machine; 8) use a colour TV; 9) use a telephone.
Very low work intensity: persons aged 0-59 living in households where adults (aged 18-59, excluding students aged 18-24) worked in the previous year hours equal to or less than 20 % of the hours they could have worked.
New methodology:
At risk of poverty: the share of the population whose equivalised disposable income is less than 60 % of median of the national equivalised disposable income (i.e. below the at-risk-of-poverty line).
Deep material and social deprivation: describes the persons (16+) who have at least 7 of the 13 characteristics: (1) live in a household that is unable to (1) cover utilities, rent or repay a loan, (2) financially afford to keep their home warm, (3) cover sudden, unexpected expenses out of their own resources, (4) eat meat, poultry or fish (or equivalent vegetarian food) every second day, 5) go on one week's holiday away from home every year, 6) use a car for personal needs, 7) replace worn-out furniture in their home with new furniture, and (2) cannot afford for themselves 8) replace worn-out clothes with new (not second-hand) clothes, 9) have two pairs of shoes that are in good condition and suitable for everyday activities, 10) spend a small amount of money only on themselves (buying something or doing something for themselves), 11) participate regularly in recreational activities outside the home that cost money, 12) meet friends/family (relatives) at least once a month for a meal or a drink together, and 13) have internet in their home for private use when needed.
A child under the age of 16 is considered to be in situations of severe material and social deprivation if he/she lives in a household with at least 3 of the first 7 characteristics listed above (characteristics 1-7) and at least 4 of the following characteristics (characteristics 8-13). A child is considered to have characteristics 8-13 if more than half of the members of his/her household have that particular characteristic.
Very low work intensity: persons aged 0-64 living in households where adults (aged 18-64, excluding students aged 18-24 and persons who are retired according to their own current economic situation or receiving any pension (except survivor's pension)) and persons aged 60-64 who are inactive and living in a household whose main income is pensions) worked in the previous year hours equal to or less than 20 % of the hours they could have worked.
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... = Data not available or too uncertain for presentation