DSV010. Average monthly and median wages and salaries (euro; changes, compared to previous period (per cent)) 1990 - 2024
DSV010c. Average monthly and median wages and salaries 1994Q1 - 2024Q4
DSV010m. Average monthly wages and salaries of employees 1997M01 - 2024M12
DSV020c. Average monthly wages and salaries of employees (from beginning of year) 2006Q1 - 2024Q4
DSV030. Average monthly wages and salaries by kind of activity (in euro) 2005 - 2024
DSV030c. Average monthly wages and salaries of employees by kind of activity (in euro) 2005Q1 - 2024Q4
DSV030m. Average monthly wages and salaries of employees by kind of activity (in euro) 2005M01 - 2024M12
DSV041. Average monthly wages and salaries by region (in euro) 2021 - 2024
DSV041c. Average monthly wages and salaries by region (in euro) 2021Q1 - 2024Q4
DSV041m. Average monthly wages and salaries by region (in euro) 2021M01 - 2024M12
DSV051. Average monthly gross wages and salaries in regions by kind of activity (in euro) 2021 - 2024
DSV051c. Average monthly gross wages and salaries in regions by kind of activity (in euro) 2021Q1 - 2024Q4
DSV061. Average monthly wages and salaries in State city and municipalities (in euro) 2021 - 2024
DSV061c. Average monthly wages and salaries in State city and municipalities (in euro) 2021Q1 - 2024Q4
DSV070. Regular average gross monthly and hourly wages and salaries by kind of economic activity (euro) 2015 - 2024
DSV070c. Regular average gross monthly and hourly wages and salaries by kind of economic activity (euro) 2008Q1 - 2024Q4
RIG110. Monthly wages and salaries in regions, cities, municipalities, towns, rural territories (based on the boundaries in force at the beginning of 2024), neighbourhoods and densely populated areas by place of residence (experimental statistics) 2011 - 2023