RUA030c. Manufacturing output and turnover by economic activity (thousand euro; per cent) 2008Q1 - 2024Q2
RUA030. Manufacturing output and turnover by economic activity (thousand euro; per cent) 2008 - 2023
RUI020. Volume indices of industrial production by economic activity and by main industrial grouping 2000 - 2023
RUI020c. Volume indices and changes in volume of industrial production by economic activity and by main industrial grouping 2000Q1 - 2024Q2
RUI020m. Volume indices and changes in volume of industrial production by economic activity and by main industrial grouping 2000M01 - 2024M08
RUI030m. Volume indices of industrial production by economic activity (from the beginning of year), (as per cent of corresponding period of previous year, calendar adjusted data) 2001M01 - 2024M08
RUI040c. Turnover indices and changes by economic activity 2000Q1 - 2024Q2
RUI040m. Turnover indices and changes by economic activity 2000M01 - 2024M08
RUI010. Weight structure of volume indices of industrial production by section and division (per cent) 2013 - 2024