IMV010. Deaths by sex and age 1920 - 2023
IDS010m. Live births and deaths by sex 1920M01 - 2024M11
IMV010w. Deaths by sex and age group in regions 1994W01 - 2024W52
IMV021. Deaths by sex and age groups in regions, State cities and municipalities 1996 - 2023
IMV030. Number of deaths by sex, marital status and age group of the deceased persons 1994 - 2023
IMV040. Number of deaths of citizens of Latvia by sex and age group 1994 - 2023
IMV050. Number of deaths per 1000 Latvians by age groups and sex 2011 - 2023
IMV060. Mean age at death 1962 - 2023
IMV070. Deaths by sex, age group and educational attainment in regions and State cities 2018 - 2022
IMS010. Number of deaths by ethnicity of a deceased person 1980 - 2023
IMS021. Number of deaths by ethnicity of a deceased person in regions and State cities 1996 - 2023