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Causes of population change in regions, cities, municipalities, towns, rural territories (based on the boundaries in force at the beginning of 2025), neighbourhoods and densely populated areas on two dates (experimental statistics) 2024

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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.LV Latvia , LV00A Riga statistical region (from 01.01.2024.) , LV00C Vidzeme statistical region (from 01.01.2024.) ,

Selected 0 of total 2,513

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Selected 0 of total 7

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.31.03.2000. --> 01.01.2024.* , 01.03.2011. --> 01.01.2024.* , 01.01.2016. --> 01.01.2024.* ,

Selected 0 of total 55

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Experimental statistics is produced by using new data sources and methods in making attempts to expand the range of statistics or the level of detail thereof based on the needs of data users.
It should be noted that the methods used in experimental statistics are not constant, approbated or internationally harmonized and can be changed to improve data quality. Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) publishes experimental statistics to get user feedback, evaluate analytical potential of the data and relevance thereof to the actual reality and data user needs.
The CSB believes that data users may find experimental data series valuable, and opinion of the data users may serve as a basis for making a decision to include this statistics in the Official Statistics Programme. By publishing experimental statistics, the CSB provides data users with new sources of information that may be used for decision making.
Jēkabpils, Ogre and Valmiera cities are included also in the indicator of the respective municipality.
Population and Housing Census data on 31.03.2000. Population and Housing Census data on 01.03.2011. Population estimate on all the periods indicated was made based on geospatial data - coordinates of address points and boundaries of administrative territories in line with the State Land Service data on 1 January 2025. With such an approach, the fluctuations in the population of a territorial unit or administrative territory caused by the changes in boundaries of the respective territorial units were eliminated. The population having residence information last updated due to the cancellation of the residence registration is included in the number of inhabitants of the administrative territory in which the person's place of residence was previously declared or registered. The place of residence of these persons in the breakdown by territorial units and Riga neighbourhoods is indicated as unknown. Metadata ... = Data not available or too uncertain for presentation As of 2016, the numbers at the beginning of the year. Data on densely populated areas and neighbourhoods are published only on territories with at least 50 residents in both of the years. Values are published only in case that there are at least 50 residents in the respective year ("lives within the same territory", "moved to another territory in Latvia", "moved abroad", "passed away" in respect to the first date, and "moved from another territory in Latvia", "moved from abroad", "was born" in respect to the second date). As of 2024, the territories of the statistical regions coincide with the territories of the planning regions. Additional information on statistical regions.


* The table gives information on the number people that lived within the respective territory at the initial date (e.g., 31.03.2000) and their residence status at the end date (01.01.2017).
For example:
- if on 31.03.2000 person lived in Riga and on 01.01.2017 his/her place of residence was located in Riga, then person 'Lives within the same territory'.
- if on 31.03.2000 person lived in Riga neighbourhood Mežaparks and on 01.01.2017 his/her place of residence was located in Riga neighbourhood Torņkalns, the person has ' Moved to another territory in Latvia'.

All territories

LVRIG15 ..Latgale

Until 07.05.2024 Maskavas forštate.


Lives within the same territory

Actual place of residence was located within the same territory at the end of the period and at the beginning of the period. Relative indicators are compared to the population at the beginning of the period.

Moved to another territory in Latvia

At the beginning of the period, actual place of residence was located in the indicated territory and at the end of the period - in another territory in Latvia. Relative indicators are compared to the population at the beginning of the period.

Moved from another territory in Latvia

At the end of the period, actual place of residence was located in the indicated territory and at the beginning of the period - in another territory in Latvia. Relative indicators are compared to the population at the end of the period.

Moved abroad

At the beginning of the period, actual place of residence was located in the indicated territory, and at the end of the period person did not live in Latvia anymore. Relative indicators are compared to the population at the beginning of the period.

Moved from abroad

At the end of the period, actual place of residence was located in the indicated territory, and at the beginning of the period actual place of residence was located outside Latvia. Relative indicators are compared to the population at the end of the period.

Was born

At the end of the period, actual place of residence was located in the indicated territory, and person was born after beginning of the period. Person may be born both in Latvia and abroad. Relative indicators are compared to the population at the end of the period.

Passed away

At the beginning of the period, actual place of residence was located in the indicated territory, and at the end of the period person died. Relative indicators are compared to the population at the beginning of the period.