ISP010c. Gross domestic product from production approach (thousand euro) 1995Q1 - 2024Q2
ISP020c. Gross domestic product per capita and per employed person, unadjusted data (in euro) 1995Q1 - 2024Q2
ISP030c. Gross domestic product from production approach by economic activity (thousand euro) 1995Q1 - 2024Q2
ISP040c. Gross value added breakdown by economic activity (NACE Rev.2), unadjusted data at current prices (per cent of total) 1995Q1 - 2024Q2
ISP050c. Gross domestic product from the expenditure approach (thousand euro) 1995Q1 - 2024Q2
ISP060c. Gross domestic product by income approach, at current prices (thousand euro) 1995Q1 - 2024Q2
ISP061c. Gross domestic product by income approach, at current prices: compensation of employees by economic activity (thousand euro) 1995Q1 - 2024Q2
ISP070c. Relation between gross domestic product and gross national income, unadjusted data at current prices (thousand euro) 1995Q1 - 2024Q2
ISP080c. Output and intermediate consumption of goods and services by economic activity (NACE Rev.2) (thousand euro), unadjusted data 1995Q1 - 2024Q2
ISP090c. National accounts: population and employment 1995Q1 - 2024Q2
ISP091c. Employment and total hours worked (national accounts) by economic activity (NACE Rev.2) 1995Q1 - 2024Q2
ISP100c. National accounts: final consumption expenditure of households by product durability (thousand euro) 1995Q1 - 2024Q2
ISP110c. National accounts: exports and imports of goods (FOB) and services (thousand euro), unadjusted data 1995Q1 - 2024Q2
ISP111c. National accounts: exports and imports of goods (FOB) and services (thousand euro), seasonally and calendar adjusted data 1995Q1 - 2024Q2