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Population and key vital statistics 1995M01 - 2024M09

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When publishing monthly population number, only registered population change is taken into account (both natural increase and net migration). In the 2nd quarter of the following year, the population number at the beginning of the year and in previous month is specified considering non-registered migration as well as fertility and mortality data in line with the actual month of the event. Metadata Data are provisional and might be updated during the respective year until the population estimate on the 2nd quarter of the following year. ... = Data not available or too uncertain for presentation


Population (at beginning of period), thousand

Data for 1995-2000 have been recalculated on the basis of the finalised results of the 2000 Population Census.
Data for 2001-2010 have been recalculated on the basis of the finalised results of the 2011 Population and Housing Census.


The data on registered number of marriages concluded during the corresponding month in the database short-term statistical data section are published in the last reference year. It means that statistics on the number of marriages includes also part of marriages concluded by citizens of other countries (not usually residents of Latvia) and does not include marriages registered by clergies of the confessions provided for in the Civil Law. In May of the following year, the data on all marriages concluded during the previous year are compiled and published based on the actual month of the marriage, by supplementing marriage number also with the marriages concluded by citizens of other countries if one of the spouses is usually resident of Latvia.

Live births

In the short-term database in the last reference year, data on the number of live births that occurred in the respective month are published.
In May of the following year all data on live births that occurred during the previous year are compiled and specified by including the number of births that occurred in the respective month, registered after compiling and publishing short-term statistics in the database, excluding the children born in the previous year, if their parents are not Latvian nationals and if for none of the parents Latvia is indicated as their place of usual residence As of 2000, the number of births includes also those children born outside of Latvia to a mother (who is usually resident of Latvia), while being abroad temporarily. In line with Eurostat methodology, such children shall be included in the number of children born in Latvia.


In the short-term database in the last reference year, data on the number of deaths that occurred in the respective month are published and may be updated during the year to include persons registered as deceased after the compilation and publication of the short-term statistics. In May of the following year, all data on deaths that occurred during the previous year are compiled and specified by including the persons who were usually residents of Latvia in the previous year but died while staying abroad temporarily.