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Archive and irregular surveys

  1. DSS110. Number of employees by main occupational group and economic activity and sex at the end of October (thsd persons)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
    2. Kind of activity (NACE Rev.2): A-S TOTAL, A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., S Other service activities (20)
    3. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    4. Main occupational groups: Number of employees - total, managers, professionals, technicians and associate professionals, ..., armed forces occupations (11)

  2. DSS120. Number of employees by economic activity, region and sex at the end of October (thsd persons)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
    2. Kind of activity (NACE Rev.2): A-S TOTAL, A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., S Other service activities (20)
    3. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    4. Region: Number of employees - total, Riga planning region, Riga region, Pierīga region, ..., Latgale region (8)

  3. DSS130. Number of employees by occupation and level of education at the end of October (thsd persons)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Occupations: TOTAL, Managers (1), Professionals (2), Technicians and associate professionals (3), ..., Armed forces occupations (0) (11)
    2. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    3. Level of education: Total, Doctoral degree (ISCED level 8), Academic education (bachelor, master’s degree) or second level professional higher education (professional bachelor/ master’s degree) (ISCED levels 6 and 7), ..master's degree (including professional); second level professional higher education with length of studies 5 years (ISCED level 7), ..., No formal education or less than primary education (ISCED level 0) (12)

  4. DSS140. Number of employees by economic activity and level of education by sex at the end of October (thsd persons)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
    2. Kind of activity (NACE Rev.2): A-S TOTAL, A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., S Other service activities (20)
    3. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    4. Level of education: Total, Doctoral degree (ISCED level 8), Academic education (bachelor, master’s degree) or second level professional higher education (professional bachelor/ master’s degree) (ISCED levels 6 and 7), ..master's degree (including professional); second level professional higher education with length of studies 5 years (ISCED level 7), ..., No formal education or less than primary education (ISCED level 0) (12)

  5. DSS150. Number of employees by age group and economic activity by sex at the end of October (thsd persons)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
    2. Kind of activity (NACE Rev.2): A-S TOTAL, A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., S Other service activities (20)
    3. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    4. Age group: Number of employees - total, 14, 15-19, 20-29, ..., Average age (11)

  6. DSS160. Number of employees by age group and occupation at the end of October (thsd persons)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Occupations: TOTAL, Managers (1), Professionals (2), Technicians and associate professionals (3), ..., Armed forces occupations (0) (11)
    2. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    3. Age group: Number of employees - total, 14, 15-19, 20-29, ..., 75 and more (10)

  7. DSS170. Number of employees by economic activity and by type of collective agreement at the end of October (thsd persons)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Kind of activity (NACE Rev.2): A-S TOTAL, A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., S Other service activities (20)
    2. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    3. Type of collective agreement: Number of employees - total, Number of employees with collective agreement, with collective agreement in company or institution or local unit, with collective agreement in sector, ..., with collective interconfederal agreement (6)

  8. DSS180. Number of employees by major occupational group with pay for overtime (thsd persons)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Occupations: TOTAL, Managers (1), Professionals (2), Technicians and associate professionals (3), ..., Armed forces occupations (0) (11)
    2. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    3. Indicator: Number of employees - total, Number of employees with overtime, (2)

  9. DSS210. Average gross monthly earnings by economic activity by main occupational group and sex (euro)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
    2. Kind of activity (NACE Rev.2): A-S TOTAL, A Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., S Other service activities (20)
    3. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    4. Main occupational groups: Gross earnings - total, managers, professionals, technicians and associate professionals, ..., (0) Armed forces occupations (11)

  10. DSS220. Average gross monthly earnings by occupation and level of education (euro)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Occupations: TOTAL, MANAGERS (1), Chief executives, senior officials and legislators (11), Legislators and senior officials (111), ..., ARMED FORCES OCCUPATIONS (0) (177)
    2. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    3. Level of education: Total, Doctoral degree (ISCED level 8), Academic education (bachelor, master’s degree) or second level professional higher education (professional bachelor/ master’s degree) (ISCED levels 6 and 7), ..master's degree (including professional); second level professional higher education with length of studies 5 years (ISCED level 7), ..., No formal education or less than primary education (ISCED level 0) (12)

  11. DSS230. Average gross monthly earnings by economic activity and level of education by sex (euro)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
    2. Kind of activity (NACE Rev.2): (A-S) TOTAL, (A) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, (B) Mining and quarrying, (C) Manufacturing, ..., (S) Other service activities (20)
    3. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    4. Level of education: Total, Doctoral degree (ISCED level 8), Academic education (bachelor, master’s degree) or second level professional higher education (professional bachelor/ master’s degree) (ISCED levels 6 and 7), ..master's degree (including professional); second level professional higher education with length of studies 5 years (ISCED level 7), ..., No formal education or less than primary education (ISCED level 0) (12)

  12. DSS240. Average gross monthly earnings by age group and economic activity by sex (euro)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
    2. Kind of activity (NACE Rev.2): (A-S) TOTAL, (A) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, (B) Mining and quarrying, (C) Manufacturing, ..., (S) Other service activities (20)
    3. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    4. Age group: Gross earnings - total, 14, 15-19, 20-29, ..., 75 and more (10)

  13. DSS250. Average gross monthly earnings by occupation and age group (euro)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Occupations: TOTAL, MANAGERS (1), Chief executives, senior officials and legislators (11), Legislators and senior officials (111), ..., ARMED FORCES OCCUPATIONS (0) (175)
    2. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    3. Age groups: Gross earnings - total, 14, 15-19, 20-29, ..., 75 and more (10)

  14. DSS260. Average gross monthly earnings by age group and level of education by sex (euro)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
    2. Level of education: Total, Doctoral degree (ISCED level 8), Academic education (bachelor, master’s degree) or second level professional higher education (professional bachelor/ master’s degree) (ISCED levels 6 and 7), ..master's degree (including professional); second level professional higher education with length of studies 5 years (ISCED level 7), ..., No formal education or less than primary education (ISCED level 0) (12)
    3. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    4. Age group: Gross earnings - total, 14, 15-19, 20-29, ..., 75 and more (10)

  15. DSS270. Average gross monthly earnings by economic activity, region and sex (euro)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
    2. Kind of activity (NACE Rev.2): (A-S) TOTAL, (A) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, (B) Mining and quarrying, (C) Manufacturing, ..., (S) Other service activities (20)
    3. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    4. Territorial unit: Latvia, Riga planning region, Riga region, Pierīga region, ..., Latgale region (8)

  16. DSS310. Average regular gross hourly earnings by economic activity and age group sex in October (euro)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
    2. Kind of activity (NACE Rev.2): (A-S) TOTAL, (A) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, (B) Mining and quarrying, (C) Manufacturing, ..., (S) Other service activities (20)
    3. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    4. Age group: Gross earnings - total, 14, 15-19, 20-29, ..., 75 and more (10)

  17. DSS320. Average regular gross hourly earnings by economic activity and level of education by sex in October (euro)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
    2. Kind of activity (NACE Rev.2): (A-S) TOTAL, (A) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, (B) Mining and quarrying, (C) Manufacturing, ..., (S) Other service activities (20)
    3. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    4. Level of education: Total, Doctoral degree (ISCED level 8), Academic education (bachelor, master’s degree) or second level professional higher education (professional bachelor/ master’s degree) (ISCED levels 6 and 7), ..master's degree (including professional); second level professional higher education with length of studies 5 years (ISCED level 7), ..., No formal education or less than primary education (ISCED level 0) (12)

  18. DSS330. Average regular gross hourly earnings by economic activity by main occupational group and sex in October (euro)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
    2. Kind of activity (NACE Rev.2): (A-S) TOTAL, (A) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, (B) Mining and quarrying, (C) Manufacturing, ..., (S) Other service activities (20)
    3. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    4. Main occupational groups: TOTAL, (1) Managers, (2) Professionals, (3) Technicians and associate professionals, ..., (0) Armed forces occupations (11)

  19. DSS340. Average regular gross hourly earnings by occupation and age groups in October (euro)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Occupations: TOTAL, MANAGERS (1), Chief executives, senior officials and legislators (11), Legislators and senior officials (111), ..., ARMED FORCES OCCUPATIONS (0) (175)
    2. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    3. Age group: Gross earnings - total, 14, 15-19, 20-29, ..., 75 and more (10)

  20. DSS350. Average regular gross hourly earnings by occupation and level of education in October (euro)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Occupations: TOTAL, MANAGERS (1), Chief executives, senior officials and legislators (11), Legislators and senior officials (111), ..., Armed forces occupations (0) (175)
    2. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    3. Level of education: Total, Doctoral degree (ISCED level 8), Academic education (bachelor, master’s degree) or second level professional higher education (professional bachelor/ master’s degree) (ISCED levels 6 and 7), ..master's degree (including professional); second level professional higher education with length of studies 5 years (ISCED level 7), ..., No formal education or less than primary education (ISCED level 0) (12)

  21. DSS360. Average regular gross hourly earnings by age group and level of education by sex in October (euro)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
    2. Level of education: Total, Doctoral degree (ISCED level 8), Academic education (bachelor, master’s degree) or second level professional higher education (professional bachelor/ master’s degree) (ISCED levels 6 and 7), ..master's degree (including professional); second level professional higher education with length of studies 5 years (ISCED level 7), ..., No formal education or less than primary education (ISCED level 0) (12)
    3. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    4. Age group: Gross earnings - total, 14, 15-19, 20-29, ..., 75 and more (10)

  22. DSS410. Average gross monthly earnings deciles by economic activity and sex (euro)

    Updated: 8/22/2024

    1. Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
    2. Kind of activity (NACE Rev.2): (A-S) TOTAL, (A) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, (B) Mining and quarrying, (C) Manufacturing, ..., (S) Other service activities (20)
    3. Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
    4. Decile: Average, 1st decile, 2nd decile, 3rd decile, ..., 9th decile (10)