DSS230. Average gross monthly earnings by economic activity, educational attainment level and sex (euro)
- Sex: TOTAL, Females, Males, (3)
- Economic activity (NACE Rev.2): (A-S) TOTAL, (A) Agriculture, forestry and fishing, (B) Mining and quarrying, (C) Manufacturing, ..., (S) Other service activities (20)
- Year: 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, (4)
- Educational attainment level: Total, Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED 8), Bachelor's and master's or equivalent level (incl. vocational) (ISCED 6 and 7), ..Master's or equivalent level (incl. vocational) (ISCED 7), ..., No formal education or less than primary education (ISCED 0) (12)